Quiero dar la bienvenida a todos los que os habeís unido
a leer el blog:
Siempre he sido aficionada a las cositas diminutas,
una buena amiga que tiene un nuevo blog de minis que
me gusta mucho http://marivigano.blogspot.com/
I want to give the welcome to which they have been united to read blog:
who has new blog of minis that I like much http://marivigano.blogspot.com/
Siempre he sido aficionada a las cositas diminutas,
por eso adoro a campanita,mis muñecas preferidas
eran las más pequeñas como Laura
la muñeca de la casa de las montañas,Barrigitas etc.
I've always been fond of tiny little things,
why I love bell, my favorite dolls
were the smallest and Laura
the doll house in the mountains, etc. Barrigitas.
why I love bell, my favorite dolls
were the smallest and Laura
the doll house in the mountains, etc. Barrigitas.
Me gustaban los juguetes más pequeñitos,las cajitas,los botecitos ect.
No sabía que existían las casas de muñecas,
cuando tenía 11 años vine a Madrid a pasar unas Navidades
con mis tios y mi prima nos llevó a casa de su mejor amiga a jugar
y al entrar en su habitación........
Tenia una casa de muñecas preciosa,me quedé alucinada al verla
Estaba amueblada y electrificada,estuvimos jugando todas juntas,
guardo un precioso recuerdo de ese día.
I liked the little toys, the boxes, the little boats ect.
I did not know there were dolls' houses,
when I was 11 I came to Madrid to spend Christmas
with my uncles and my cousin took us to her best friend's house to play
and enter the room ........
He had a beautiful doll house, it was amazing to see
It was furnished and electrified, we were playing all together,
I save a precious memory of that day.
I did not know there were dolls' houses,
when I was 11 I came to Madrid to spend Christmas
with my uncles and my cousin took us to her best friend's house to play
and enter the room ........
He had a beautiful doll house, it was amazing to see
It was furnished and electrified, we were playing all together,
I save a precious memory of that day.
Al año siguiente nos trasladamos a vivir a Madrid desde Zaragoza,
mi hermana Bea y yo hicimos nuevas amigas. Nuestra nueva amiga
y vecina Pilarin se había hecho con unas cajas de zapatos una pequeña casa,
tenía algunos muebles y accesorios. Lo bien que lo pasamos las tres jugando
con su casita,disfrutando de los últimos juegos de la infancia,en su casa y en la nuestra.
Tantas tardes en su casa que me enamoré de su hermano.............. hoy es mi cuñada Pila,
tiene un blog precioso que os invito a visitar http://hadasybosques.blogspot.com/
mi hermana Bea y yo hicimos nuevas amigas. Nuestra nueva amiga
y vecina Pilarin se había hecho con unas cajas de zapatos una pequeña casa,
tenía algunos muebles y accesorios. Lo bien que lo pasamos las tres jugando
con su casita,disfrutando de los últimos juegos de la infancia,en su casa y en la nuestra.
Tantas tardes en su casa que me enamoré de su hermano.............. hoy es mi cuñada Pila,
tiene un blog precioso que os invito a visitar http://hadasybosques.blogspot.com/
The following year we moved to live in Madrid from Zaragoza,
My sister Bea and I made new friends. Our new friend
Pilarin neighbor and had seized boxes of shoes a small house
had some furniture and accessories. How well we had the three playing
your house, enjoying the last few games of childhood, at home and in ours.
Many evenings at home that I fell in love with his brother .... Today is my sister-Pila,
She has a lovely blog I invite you to visit http://hadasybosques.blogspot.com/
My sister Bea and I made new friends. Our new friend
Pilarin neighbor and had seized boxes of shoes a small house
had some furniture and accessories. How well we had the three playing
your house, enjoying the last few games of childhood, at home and in ours.
Many evenings at home that I fell in love with his brother .... Today is my sister-Pila,
She has a lovely blog I invite you to visit http://hadasybosques.blogspot.com/
Nunca pedí una casa para reyes,ya era un poco mayor para eso quizás.
Veinte años después mi hermana Bea se compró una casa de muñecas montada,
estilo mansión sureña americana,de las que vienen abiertas por detras y disfruté
viendo como la decoraba.
viendo como la decoraba.
No era muy grande así que al casarse su marido le hizo una casa preciosa y
enorme que todavía está terminando de amueblar.
enorme que todavía está terminando de amueblar.
Siempre se compraba las revistas Miniaturas y Casas de Muñecas
y descubrí un mundo alucinante.
Yo estaba deseando tener una también, quería empezar con una
casita pequeña,el estilo victoriano que era lo más común,
no me gustaba nada,quería algo rústico o un cottage.
Entonces salió a la venta el coleccionable "Tu casa de campo"
y me encantó,pero la idea de hacer un coleccionable no me atraía nada,
así estaba pensando en que hacer cuando llegó mi cumple,y....................
así estaba pensando en que hacer cuando llegó mi cumple,y....................
Mi cuñado Miguel me regaló la estructura de una pequeña casa.
Era preciosa justo lo que yo deseaba,la hizo para mi.
I never asked for a house for Christmas, it was a bit old for that maybe.
Twenty years later my sister Bea bought a doll house assembled,
American-style southern mansion, of which come from behind and
enjoyed open watching the decorating.
It was not very large so that when she married her husband made a
beautiful house and huge furnish still being finalized.
Always buying magazines and Doll House Miniatures
and discovered an amazing world.
I was wanting to have one too, wanted to start with a
small house, Victorian style was most common,
I did not like, I wanted something rustic or cottage.
Then went on sale the collectible "Your country house"
and I loved it, but the idea of a collectible not appeal to me nothing
and was thinking of what to do when my birthday came, y. ...................
My brother Michael gave me the structure of a small house.
She was beautiful just what I wanted, made it for me.
Twenty years later my sister Bea bought a doll house assembled,
American-style southern mansion, of which come from behind and
enjoyed open watching the decorating.
It was not very large so that when she married her husband made a
beautiful house and huge furnish still being finalized.
Always buying magazines and Doll House Miniatures
and discovered an amazing world.
I was wanting to have one too, wanted to start with a
small house, Victorian style was most common,
I did not like, I wanted something rustic or cottage.
Then went on sale the collectible "Your country house"
and I loved it, but the idea of a collectible not appeal to me nothing
and was thinking of what to do when my birthday came, y. ...................
My brother Michael gave me the structure of a small house.
She was beautiful just what I wanted, made it for me.
Estaba sin terminar,en madera virgen,se habría por delante,
ni puertas ni ventanas,ni separacion de habitaciones,nada.
Me encantó pero me asusté un poco,sin tener ni idea,
tener que hacerlo yo sola todo, pero enseguida empecé a pensar
como decorarla y pintarla por fuera.
Había estado ese verano en Santander y las casas de la zona me
fascinaron,así que decidí que la decoraría y pintaría de ese estilo.
Was unfinished, virgin wood, it would go,
no doors or windows, no separation of rooms, nothing.
I loved it but I was scared a bit, having no idea
having to do everything myself, but then I started thinking
and paint and decorate the outside.
Had been that summer in Santander and the houses in the area me
fascinated, so I decided that decorate and paint like that.
no doors or windows, no separation of rooms, nothing.
I loved it but I was scared a bit, having no idea
having to do everything myself, but then I started thinking
and paint and decorate the outside.
Had been that summer in Santander and the houses in the area me
fascinated, so I decided that decorate and paint like that.
Empecé haciendo la instalación electrica,hice rozas en los techos
del primer piso y llevé los cables hacia la parte de atrás de la casa,
donde luego haría un doble panel para taparlos,
puse las lámparas y con los suelos oculté los cables.
Hice lo mismo en el piso de arriba tapando los cables que
iban por el tejado con tejas que hice con madera de balsa y
con la misma madera hice la chimenea y la ventana de la buhardilla.
Mi marido colaboró haciéndo las soldaduras y las conexiones electricas.
I began making the installation electrical, I made clearing in the ceilings
of first stage and took wires towards the part of back of the house,
where soon would make a double panel to cover them, I put the lamps
and with grounds I hid wires. I did the same in the floor of above covering
the wires that they went by the tile roof with roofing tiles that I did with
raft wood and with the same wood I made the chimney and the window of the attic.
of first stage and took wires towards the part of back of the house,
where soon would make a double panel to cover them, I put the lamps
and with grounds I hid wires. I did the same in the floor of above covering
the wires that they went by the tile roof with roofing tiles that I did with
raft wood and with the same wood I made the chimney and the window of the attic.
My husband collaborated with the electrical welds and connections.
Despues hice una ventana en la pared lateral de la cocina,
lo más parecida a las de la fachada que tenía compradas pero sin persianas.
Later I made a window in the sidewall of the kitchen, most similar to those
of the facade that it had bought but without blinds.
También hice un pequeño porche en la entrada
y jardineras para las ventanas.
Como no tenía ni idea de como pintarla sin estropearla,
me apunte a unas clases de manualidades,no eran de minis
pero pude llevarmela,allí la pinté y terminé de hacer
la pérgola del jardín,la valla y el pozo.
Also I made a small porch in the entrance windowboxes for the windows.
As it did not have nor idea of how painting it without spoiling it,
it aims to me at classes of manualidades, were not of minis but I could take it to me,
I painted it there and I finished making the pérgola of the garden, the fence and the well.
El pozo lo hice con un bote de acetona que recorté,
lo forré con pasta Das por dentro y por fuera,
le incrusté piedras que recogí en un parque,luego incrusté las maderas.
Con cartulina hice el tejadillo y pegué unas tejas de balsa,
hice los agujeros para pasar la polea,
colgué el cubo,lo rellené con agua escénica y lo pinté.
The well I did with a boat of acetone that I trimmed,
I covered it with grazes DAS and by outside on the inside,
I put stones that I took to him in a park,
I covered it with grazes DAS and by outside on the inside,
I put stones that I took to him in a park,
soon I inlaid wood. With fine cardboard I made the cover and
I stuck raft roofing tiles,I made the holes to pass the pulley,
I hung the bucket I filled up it with scenic water and I painted it.
I stuck raft roofing tiles,I made the holes to pass the pulley,
I hung the bucket I filled up it with scenic water and I painted it.
Girando la manivela el cubo sube y baja.
Turning the crank the bucket raises and low.
Me ha encantado la historia de la casita. La verdad es que te está querdando preciosa. felicidades.
ResponderEliminarla casa es chulísima, y la historia me ha gustado mucho,jejejeje... besitos
ResponderEliminarQué historia tan linda, Sonia, y me siento un poco identificada contigo. Gustarte algo desde niña y no poder tenerlo hasta que eres mayor y lo tienes porque te lo regalan... para mí ha sido uno de los mejores regalos que me han hecho. Felicidades por esta historia. Besos, Pilar
ResponderEliminarPrecioso todo. La historia, la casa, los detalles, enhorabuena.